Caudron G3 - Regy

Cau G3
Rh 80

Serie No. 245
No. 2658
This French manufactured propeller was used on a Caudron G3 with a LeRhone 80 HP engine.  It is identical in construction to this propeller, which is basically a licensed copy of this original Regy design.   Wood type is unknown, and the propeller has a commonly seen reddish paint, which is visible in the decal photos. It is a very deep color, as seen on the photo of the whole propeller and the hub stampings.   The Regy decals are very faint but visible on both blades. The decal  photo showing the red background was done with a horizontally directed light source, making the red appear brighter than it actually is.   There is some delamination at the hub, but the propeller is in good/excellent original condition.  I believe that the metal sheathing was added afterwards.
Wood: unknown
Size:  2.60m