I am new to the forum by way of my dad giving me a pre-WWI propeller to refurbish and the decals are all but gone, not able to save. The propeller is an AVRO V86 for a Martinsyde Scout using a 80hp Gnome engine. I have re-shellac it and it came out very nice but I would like to find the correct decal that goes with the propeller. I have looked on Nostalgic Reflection's web page and they don't have the AVRO decal that looks to be for this propeller. I see from the prior post that Nostalgic might take a file to reproduce it but the only picture I have that looks to be correct is the one on this web page (AVRO 504). Not sure if that is it and don't want to spend $100+ on the wrong decal. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Pics attached.
I hyperlinked your post to the web page you cite, showing both decals. I am reasonably certain that those are the correct design and Nostalgic Reflections could use both of them to come up with an accurate reproduction for your purposes. There is some loss of precise accuracy because they are applied to a curved surface, but it is likely unnoticeable.
I don't know if I've seen variations on the A.V. Roe decals or not. Bob Gardner will likely have other examples in his book if other examples exist.
Thank you very much. I will contact them.
BTW I photoshop'd the two images to get one good one, cleaned up the lines and played with the lighting to make it sharper. What you think?