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Help identifying a propeller

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  • Help identifying a propeller

    A propeller is coming up for sale soon and I would like to identify it.
    The dimensions are: 10' diameter , eight bolt holes 8" spacing,
    3.5" bore, 7" hub thickness, 10.5" hub width. I'm guessing that it came off
    a Liberty V-12 (400 HP) because of the hub size. Also it was displayed with
    a Cylinder from the Liberty and a picture of a large flying boat. It's hard to tell
    from the picture but the flying boat appears to have a pusher engine and this
    prop is a tractor. It does have some numbers stamped on one side close to the
    hub but, I couldn't make them out without taking it down from the wall. I'll try and send a picture with this thread.
    Bob Cumback

  • #2
    How do you know that it's a tractor?

    If you can, find any and all numbers that are stamped on the hub.


    • #3
      Prop rotation

      Assuming the Liberty rotates clockwise , this would be a tractor.
      I'll try and get any numbers off the hub soon. This prop is about 70 miles
      from my home. I have some pictures sent to me by iphone and I can't save them to me computer for some reason.
      Thanks for the reply


      • #4
        Adding to my 1/6/12 post

        I had a chance for a close up look at the prop described in my post of 1/6/12
        and unfortunately I think this propeller was refinished although it has been at
        least 43 years ago. The only marks I can find are N-97B7 on the first line
        _ _ _ RH on the second line , I cannot read anything from line 4 and on line
        5 it shows _ _ L
        The dashes indicate were a letter or number was but is unreadable probably because of the refinishing.
        I don't know if this is enough info to help identify this prop or not.
        Thanks for looking
        Bob Cumback


        • #5
          A picture might help. There are hundreds of possibilities based on the information you've given.


          • #6
            Picture emailed to me:

            It does look like a fairly typical Liberty engine propeller which could have been used on any number of flying boats or land planes such as the DH4. I agree that it certainly looks refinished, which would help explain the difficulty in reading the identification stampings.

            Here are several others:
            Unknown Liberty engine prop

            Without legible stampings and a credible reference to those numbers, all you can say about a prop like this is that it was "likely" to be used as described.
            Attached Files
            Last edited by Dave; 02-07-2012, 06:49 AM.

