My apologies for any errors, have some leniency on a very new member of this forum. I bought 2 wooden propellors 2 days ago. One is 2-bladed and definitely wood with a little metal sheeting on the end, painted black with yellow tips. No decals visual. A lot of numbers stamped on both sides of the centre (see pictures), but very badly readable. Apart from the big hole (again apologies for lack of knowledge of the proper technical term), there are 8 smaller holes, presumably for the bolts? The seller claimed it to be from an (early) spitfire. I very much doubt this (as far as I know spitfires have 4-5 bladed metal propellors) but he might have meant that the propellor is originally English. Seller did not know anymore when or where he acquired it. Length is 225cm.
Any information of help will be greatly appreciated.
Any information of help will be greatly appreciated.