All I know is that the "44K" prefix refers to the year that a military contract was signed with a manufacturer or several of them. It doesn't necessarily mean it was actually manufactured in that year, just that the contract was made then.
Both Sensenich and Hartzell have several of their propellers that are cross referenced to the military contract number. U.S. Propellers cross references that model with model #76FGSA-60, indicating that it is 76 inches long with a pitch of 60 inches, but unfortunately I cannot find a listing showing what aircraft/engines it was designed for. It was manufactured under Type Certificate #787, but I believe that covered many different designs for many different aircraft.
It's very rare to see a 4 bolt hole pattern in a prop of that type, but that is how it's listed on the spec sheet. A footnote in that listing also says, "This propeller has been approved with the Kinner No 8031 hub using only four bolts. Serial numbers 10732 to 10861 inclusive of this model propeller were furnished for use on the Interstate L-6 airplane equipped with the Kinner 8031 hub". Although your serial number doesn't match that number range, it's quite possible that it was intended for an Interstate L-6 aircraft, which you can look up on Google. Note that in that listing there is no mention of that plane having a Kinner engine, despite the fact that the propeller listing mentions that there was an approval for an L-6 with a Kinner engine.
So my best guess is that it was likely used on a less known experimental version of the Interstate L-6, but I have no documentation to prove that.
very interesting, thank you very much for the data and for the time you took to investigate this. I will investigate more with the information you kindly gave me.
BTW, I got an email this morning from a fellow in Australia who is looking for a prop if you are interested in selling yours. I can put you directly in touch with him if so. (I can send you his email address to you privately.)