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identification chauviere olear berger

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  • identification chauviere olear berger

    I found in my father's attic a wooden propell
    The decals are difficult to decipher, but I could read: chauviere olear berger.
    It is 2 meters in diameter and has 12 bolt holes and a serial number: 6026.
    On what type of aircraft (airplane or hydrofoil) could it be used
    could you help me?
    Best regards

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  • #2
    Pmdec had a reply about 5 years ago regarding this Chauviere variant.

    The design and size of yours certainly seems consistent with a propeller from the 1930s or later.


    • #3

      Your prop is probably from the first half of 1947, perhaps the end of 1946. The exact making date is stamped on the flat side of the hub, around the central hole with a DD MM YY pattern. Please, post a pic of this side, it will make my database more precise if I can read these markings.

      Infortunatly, if there is nothing stamped on the side of the hub opposite to SERIE 6026 / NUMÉRO 2733, there is no way to know for wich aircraft it was made, except if you find a paper about the airworthy of an aircraft showing a "Chauvière type 6026" in propeller section: all the authorized propellers are written down on French official "papers".

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      Last edited by pmdec; 12-04-2016, 01:05 PM. Reason: Typos


      • #4

        Thanks for the speed of your answer.
        I have unfortunately no other inscription whatsoever on the hub or elsewhere.
        I thought that the fixing by 12 holes, could orient towards a type of engine or plane but your dating is already an element of satisfaction.

        Best regards


        • #5

          around 1947, the 1203 version of North SNCAN, Regnier 4L0 engine, 4 seats had a two-bladed wooden propeller Chauviere .I do not know if the number of 6026 series is compatible with this hypothesis.
          Thank you for your help


          • #6
            Originally posted by Papyjeanpaul View Post

            around 1947, the 1203 version of North SNCAN, Regnier 4L0 engine, 4 seats had a two-bladed wooden propeller Chauviere .I do not know if the number of 6026 series is compatible with this hypothesis.
            Thank you for your help

            The SNCAN-1203 with a Regnier 4L0 engine has two Chauvière prop approved : serials 6044 and 6066. The 6044 has a 12 bolt holes hub which seems the same than yours... but I have never seen a 6066. Also approved the Merville serial 863, which also have a similar hub.
            So, you may be right: your prop is probably for a SNECMA-Régnier 4LOO, but this engine has been fitted on many aircraft: See the bottom of this page

            The 3 first pics are from a Chauvière 6044, the last one from a Merville 863 (made in March 1954) marked for Nord 1203 fitted with a 145 HP Regnier.
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            • #7

              The regnier 4L obviously equipped a few planes but as my father worked at North aviation (born of the SNCAN) in the sixties, I suppose that the propeller had to come from an N1203. For what type of engine has the CHAUVIERE 6026 been homologated? ... 4LOO 135 hp for norécrin II; 4L02 170 hp for norécrinIV; 4L14 160 hp for norécrin VI
              It does not matter, thanks to you I already know much more
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              • #8

                The NC 856 A norvigie initially equipped with Walter-minor engine had a merville wood propeller. When they had temporarily a Regnier 4L04 engine of 147 hp what could be the homologated propeller?

