I found a 69" wooden propeller for sale and the seller isn't certain of the manufacturer. A pilot buddy of his told him it looks like a Flottorp; However, it has a Sensenich sticker on it. I realize Sensenich sells stickers so someone could have slapped it on there, but what would be the point of that? In general if a wooden propeller doesn't have the Sensenich name branded/stamped on the hub or elsewhere, is it no a Sensenich? There are other identifying markings branded on the prop, but no manufacturer. I want to be sure of its authenticity and value before making an offer. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Here are the markings:
69L 42 (looks like an L at least)
TC B02
T C4
Here is a pic of the markings:

And the Sensenich Sticker, which is peeling off (not that that means anything):
69L 42 (looks like an L at least)
TC B02
T C4
Here is a pic of the markings:

And the Sensenich Sticker, which is peeling off (not that that means anything):
