36 inch Banks-maxwell wooden propeller..what is it?
Hi! I'm new to the forum,I'm from PA. A few weeks ago a friend moved into a another house... She had a small garage and told me what ever I wanted I could have,she just wanted the "junk" out of there.. This is one of the items I took with me.. Anyone have any info on it.. I can't find hardly anything about Banks-Maxwell.. Is it junk? lol
Banks-Maxwell was a manufacturer of very few wooden airplane props. They did make airboat props and mostly built small props like this one used only on target drones. From its appearance I'd say its a target drone prop.
Thanks for the info.. so its basically good for a wall decoration..lol>? There are numbers on the side of the propeller ..are they the serial or model number maybe? Is there a place on the net to look it up>?
Yes, it would be a good wall decoration. It's not usable for flying.
The numbers could be either the design number or the serial number. To my knowledge neither design number nor serial number lists for Banks-Maxwell props exist. Sorry.
I'll try to look it up when I get home, but I just noticed that yours has a 4 bolt hole hub, which might be a more uncommon application. Most of the airboat props I've seen have had 6 or 8 bolt holes.
Thanks Dave that was real nice of you to take the time to look that up and post it for me.. I dont mean to be a pain in your butt,lol, but "atypical" ? Is it worthless? Thanks in advance!
It's not worthless, but it's not priceless either. I'm just guessing that it might have been used for some other fan-like industrial application, perhaps a blower of some kind, but I really have no idea. I suspect if you put it up on eBay, and as long as no one believed they were buying an airplane propeller, that it would sell for something around $100. Again, though, that's just pure speculation, and very difficult to predict.