Dave, I spoke to you a few years ago about this prop, but maybe this forum may help answer my questions. I have a Curtiss 4 blade propeller in great condition and I have been searching for years for the type of plane it came off; It looks like a prop for a HS2L (see attached photo) I believe this is a left hand pusher or right hand tractor. I would guess it was built around 1917 ish? There is a small circle stamped with a CEC 1 on the hub. Again, any info would be fantastic as I have exhausted all other resources.
Curtiss Propeller #996
D 6' 8" P 7' 8 1/2"
INSP N002996
Contract #56253
Serial #20752
Hub diameter 10"
Center Bore 3 1/8"
Bolt size 1/2"
Bolt circle 8

Edit: pictures linked
Curtiss Propeller #996
D 6' 8" P 7' 8 1/2"
INSP N002996
Contract #56253
Serial #20752
Hub diameter 10"
Center Bore 3 1/8"
Bolt size 1/2"
Bolt circle 8

Edit: pictures linked