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Need help to Identify

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  • Need help to Identify

    Hi There,
    I am new to the world of old propellers, But not new to Antiques so my problem is this. I purchased this prop at an auction a week ago. The auctioneer said he "believed it to be off a 1930 Jenny" I knew he was probably wrong but for $175.00 I thought it looked good. I also had a bad feeling about the clock mounted in the hub, Sure enough when I removed this 30+ year old clock the hub had been cut to accomodate the clock.
    My questions are as follows #1 What Plane/engine dose it fit #2 Should I repair the Hub #3 Approxamate value
    Thanks to Dave's help I will post some photos and give a beginner prop collectors discription. Over all length 9'1'' hub dia 3.25 (approx.) Bolt dia .50 (approx.) Distance bolt hole center to bolt hole center 7'' (approx.) There are some numbers stamped in the wood. (same #s two different locations Hub face & Top of Hub) #468 & #274-4

    Thank you for the help in advance Bill McLaren
    Attached Files

  • #2
    The hub doesn't match any of the common U.S. built engines, none of which had a 7 inch bolt hole circle. The stamped numbers don't seem to match anything in my database either. It is not a Jenny propeller, but it's going to be hard to match it to anything else either. The Navy had a number of odd lot propellers, some from Europe, in its inventory when they sold off a bunch of surplus props in the twenties. Look for stampings on it that depict a small anchor with "U.S." stamped on it.

    It's a toss up about the clocked hub. You can't restore it to original no matter what you do, and getting it to look normal isn't all that easy. It also works as a display prop if you just display the rear face instead of the forward one.

    I think you probably paid aproximate value, only because of the hub alteration, although I suspect you would get a little more than that for it on someplace like eBay.
    Last edited by Dave; 01-14-2009, 07:47 AM.

