Hello all,
First of all, thank you for your very interesting web site.
Unfortunately, I have not found in it any helpful information to identify a propeler I have.
It is a Chauviere wooden propeller (identified through a "Chauviere patent B.R.G.D" marking). It has been damaged (one tip of the two blades is broken).
The propeller is covered by a black varnish identified through a "Tonkilaque S.E.E.T." marking.
Main dimensions are :
- original diameter : 2.7 m
- hub thickness : 183 mm
- 8 holes of about 12 mm located on a 170 mm diameter
- hub housing = 80 mm
Following markings can also be identified on the propeller on the o.d. of the hub :
L.1 L5
Am 220
SERIF 24181
N° 66856 (on the hub o.d. but also on the face of the hub)
D1 sFA Gz
Would you please help me identifying on which engine/aircraft this propeller was installed ?
I have grown closed to the Poitiers-Biard Airport in France and it is pretty sure than this propeller comes from this airport
Also, just to submit you links of a web sites dealing with propellers : http://www.hydroretro.net/etudegh/heliciersfrancais.pdf
It is in french but I guess it might be interesting to add it to your links.
Best regards.
First of all, thank you for your very interesting web site.
Unfortunately, I have not found in it any helpful information to identify a propeler I have.
It is a Chauviere wooden propeller (identified through a "Chauviere patent B.R.G.D" marking). It has been damaged (one tip of the two blades is broken).
The propeller is covered by a black varnish identified through a "Tonkilaque S.E.E.T." marking.
Main dimensions are :
- original diameter : 2.7 m
- hub thickness : 183 mm
- 8 holes of about 12 mm located on a 170 mm diameter
- hub housing = 80 mm
Following markings can also be identified on the propeller on the o.d. of the hub :
L.1 L5
Am 220
SERIF 24181
N° 66856 (on the hub o.d. but also on the face of the hub)
D1 sFA Gz
Would you please help me identifying on which engine/aircraft this propeller was installed ?
I have grown closed to the Poitiers-Biard Airport in France and it is pretty sure than this propeller comes from this airport
Also, just to submit you links of a web sites dealing with propellers : http://www.hydroretro.net/etudegh/heliciersfrancais.pdf
It is in french but I guess it might be interesting to add it to your links.
Best regards.