A far acquaintance (friend of the father of a friend of mine) has this propellor on his wall. It is appr. 190 meter (75 inch) in length and the hub is about 25 cm (10 inch) wide. I guess it is about 15 cm/6 inch deep. The large shafthole is surrounded by 8 small boltholes. I made a quick picture with my phone. It looks like it's fabricated out of one piece of wood. The edges are covered in a black substance (paint?) and finished with metal sheeting. The owner has no clue of what it is and how he got it... As the prop was hanging rather high and I was in a hurry, I couldn't see any details/data.

Any ideas?
Original or fake? It looked quite authentic.
What era, manufacturer and/or country?
Airplane, generator, UFO or even a zeppelin?
I'm just very curious and wouldn't keep this 'search and determine' operation just for myself.
A far acquaintance (friend of the father of a friend of mine) has this propellor on his wall. It is appr. 190 meter (75 inch) in length and the hub is about 25 cm (10 inch) wide. I guess it is about 15 cm/6 inch deep. The large shafthole is surrounded by 8 small boltholes. I made a quick picture with my phone. It looks like it's fabricated out of one piece of wood. The edges are covered in a black substance (paint?) and finished with metal sheeting. The owner has no clue of what it is and how he got it... As the prop was hanging rather high and I was in a hurry, I couldn't see any details/data.

Any ideas?
Original or fake? It looked quite authentic.
What era, manufacturer and/or country?
Airplane, generator, UFO or even a zeppelin?
I'm just very curious and wouldn't keep this 'search and determine' operation just for myself.