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Performance data for A.B 662

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  • Performance data for A.B 662

    I was wondering if anybody had any technical data for an A.B 662 airscrew, as used on an SE5a ? Any technical, analysis, pamphlets or publications would be most welcome. Failing that, maybe anything for a T.28096 4 bladed prop, as used on the Sopwith Dolphin.

    Cheers, Hagar

  • #2
    I have corresponded with many museums worldwide in my search for data tables for pre-WW2 wooden propellers but I have concluded that such tables don't exist; only tables giving the dimensions of existing propellers exist and their intended purpose; Viz: which aircraft they were designed for.

    If any further data comes to light I'd be grateful if this could be communicated to the Dave Bahnson, who will communicate to the three others of us who gather such data.

    With kind regards,

    Bob Gardner
    Author; WW1 British Propellers, WWI German Propellers


    • #3

      We have found in an almost forgotten place drawings of Ratier propellers. The older one is from 1922 (a prop for a Nieuport fitted with a 80HP Le Rhône) and the newer from 1942. There are wooden and metallic propellers. The drawings for wooden props show a blade and the hub (and the shielding if any). The ones for metallic propellers show only one blade but we have also found thousands of drawings of variable pitch hubs and hub parts with their registers. All the drawings are full scale (so up to 3 meters long for some props) and the BIG trouble is that all the drawings have been folded to about A4 size...
      The ones which are only on tracing paper are very brittle, and the cost by a specialist to properly unfold and numerize them is in the order of 150 to 250€ each. Very few people could be interested, each one probably only by one serial...
      Some of these drawings exist also (or only) on paper which can be unfolded easier using caution but it is not possible to numerize them because they are not enough flat (see attached pics).
      We are very happy with this "treasure trove", but are still discussing what to do with all these archives. We have only made an inventory of the prop drawings (1174 different serials) and keep them in convenient boxes (they were tied with strings by paquets of around 50).
      For the hub parts, we have also found drawing registers which have been photographed (more than 600 pics with 40 part references on each pic). A sampling showed that most of the references exist as a drawing, but not all. We think that less than 30 people could be interested in the world, perhaps only 5... So...

      Attached Files


      • #4
        Thanks fellas, I thought if anybody would know it would be somebody here, but it seems I'm out of luck.

        Love the drawings, very nice draughtsmenship.

