I have a 98 inch, 9.5 inch hub, 8 lug propeller of light colored laminated wood (perhaps oak). The entire forward portion and ends of the blade are sheathed with what appears as brass and attached with appears as lead rivots. I found it in a neighbors trash, and it was covered with 6-7 coats of paint. I have removed the paint and varnished it. UNFORTUNATLY, it appears as though someone has used a chisel and hammer to beat it off of a shaft. Much of the stamped information has been obliterated as a result, and there is no decal anywhere on the propeller. Below is what is legible, and I am using ### to indicate what is not legible. My grandfather was a dedalion (WW1 pilot), and I sure have an interest as a result. I'll ask a friend for the use of his digital camera, and update this with a picture later on.
PT-17 #######PLANE
R-67 ###########E
220 HP A######RPM
PART No ########8598
MFRS SERIAL ####43180
PT-17 #######PLANE
R-67 ###########E
220 HP A######RPM
PART No ########8598
MFRS SERIAL ####43180