Two years ago, in June 2018, I received 2 photos of Turbo propeller from the Polish owner. The producer was unknown for me. At the same time I noticed this thread on Wooden propeller forum and don't know why I thought that it was the same propeller! Maybe the photo of the decal looked the same. So I answered that I know nothing about producer (except it is probably not German). But I suspected that it may be made in Austria (due to "Luftschraube" word). Several days ago I sent pictures from the forum to Koloman Mayrhofer who gave his detailed explanation (which I put two posts above).
I contacted the Polish owner of the Turbo propeller to give him info on his propeller and I asked him for better photos with marking. Today I received three pictures and I realized that it is different propeller!
The "Polish" Turbo has 14 460 2967 on the side of hub and on the front of hub there are three numbers: 270 205 215.
I sent these pictures to Koloman and now I have its identity: this is propeller made by Turbo for Lloyd C V series 46 airplane with MAG built Austro Daimler 185 hp engine.
Diameter is 270 cm, pitch 205 cm and 215 is blade width (I think 215 mm).