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Advice sought pls, I'm new.

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  • #16
    Hitting the reset button.

    Dear Dom.

    As you can see, this forum is a place where a lot of people eventually find out, through various search engines, that this is a place where you can ask questions and post pictures and learn a lot from various people around the globe.

    That being said, and this is purely an offering from me, as its not my website, I am just an amature on it as well. But consider this a sort of trial by fire to a new member in regards to all of the text and pictures that have been posted on this auxillary prop you have.

    Bob is a respected moderator on this site and others like PM, and lamar and Dave, all of these gentleman are pretty sharp when it comes to identification of wooden " airscrews " from all over the planet. So now that a lot of words have been exchanged and some of the dust has settled, its time to hit the reset button and move onto to the next topic what ever it may be.

    Knickers in a twist?, ........................doubtful at best on that, its just a lot of us enjoy having fun on this site when it comes to identifying old " airscrews ".

    So again, welcome to this forum and by all means, please do enjoy it for what it is and what it can be.

    By the way, just as a sort of exercise, can you name the various origins of the props on the illustration I have provided, I would offer you some hints or clues, but it will be interesting to see what the various responces are from those that know the parts on this particular machine.

    Dennis Hicklin
    Seattle washington.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by D.Hicklin; 06-02-2013, 11:34 AM.


    • #17
      Hi Dennis,

      Good photo of the prop-car.

      If by chance it's German could you e-mail me a copy? For the book.

      I know of two others, both pre-WW1. One used by Lucien Chauviere in Paris; the other by Claude Grahame White in London. Both were methods of testing the thrust of different props in comparative tests.

      But these chaps look as though they are about to attempt a land speed record!

      With kind regards,

      Bob Gardner
      Author; WW1 British Propellers, WWI German Propellers


      • #18
        More fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        Hey Bob.

        As stated, its all about fun.

        The illustration I was referring to is the MM tractor with the various added elements that were NOT factory options.

        The picture of the vintage prop car was purely a lure to those that may actually know something about the car and prop itself. The picture came to me as a link to a website of unusual automobiles, I know nothing about any of the workings of it nor the origin of the car itself.

        Bravo Bob for taking the bait and offering more amazing facts about amazing machines from the past. As for the look of the crew of the prop car, its more than evident that they were all having a wonderful time. I would have loved to have been alive in that time period when that machine was working and I would have loved to have been a part of that crew.

        Still waiting to see if the vast audience out there can identify the 3 different " airscrews " on the tractor and the origin of each one. And yes I do have the answers, because it was drawn by me. I love to stir up the pot so to speak with humor and just plain good fun!

        Dennis Hicklin
        Seattle Washington
        Attached Files


        • #19

          Don't forget that your prospective buyers may also visit here. Worse yet, the person who actually ends up with it likely will end up here after the sale and you'll be faced with having to give your awkward cop out directly to him as well. Your choice, but IMHO your ethics are lacking.

          I've already rescued at least one prospective buyer who emailed me photos of YOUR prop asking what I knew about it. I simply provided the link to this forum and quickly got this reply:

          FAN-TASTIC, excuse the pun !! Have a great weekend !

          Thanks a lot for your assistance : )
          A disaster averted there AND I have been asking him questions, no mention of an AUX PROP though !

          Another deceptive ebay seller !!

          VBR , Jon.
          No need to challenge the authenticity of the email, as I know for a fact that you have had other communications with this gentleman.

          As I have previously (as administrator) I'm leaving this thread in place as a monument to deception and dishonesty.



          • #20

            Dave et al,
            Thanks for your message.
            In fact, I'm hoping that as many people as possible visit your forum - they will doubtless form their own opinions of it.

            I'm sorry that you think I'm ethically lacking, deceptive and dishonest, although you don't actually know me to make such a judgement do you? If you did, you would change your opinion I'm sure.

            I've had various people tell me on here how friendly you all are and that the forum is all about fun & enjoyment etc etc but actually all you've tried to do since I innocently joined is to try to discredit me with what is tantamount to a character assasination.
            Perhaps you just don't like outsiders...?

            As for your pal the chap who contacted you re my prop, certainly we had communication and I won't embarrass him (or you) by quoting the rest of the communication we had nor to other information I subsequently learnt about him.
            I would however reiterate the fact that my ebay listing states that, quote, ''mahogany four-bladed propeller thought to be from either an airship or zeppelin or possibly an auxilliary propeller from a bomber type aircraft''. Surely I can't say fairer than that, particularly as, I say again, I took advice from other quarters as well as your own selves re this prop and thus described the prop according to the advice and info I received at that time. Please don't make me spell this out again.

            I've obviously fallen foul of you chaps which is disappointing for me but I would respectfully ask that you try to be more tolerant of others who join, particularly those who may be less knowledgable than your goodselves.
            (Still) best wishes to all, Dom


            • #21
              Amazing indeed!

              Hey Dom, just a quick question for you.

              Upon reading back on your posts, it was indicated that the money really wasnt that important to you, and that you had indicated that the four bladed props were more visually appealing, fair enough, that being said, I was curious why you were trying to sell this aux prop on e -bay when it wasnt about the money and you thought it was visually appealing, which I would take it to mean, that you liked it? And might potentially keep it?

              Just curious.

              Dennis Hicklin
              Seattle Washington.
              Attached Files


              • #22
                Originally posted by dom View Post
                Dave et al,
                Thanks for your message.
                In fact, I'm hoping that as many people as possible visit your forum - they will doubtless form their own opinions of it.

                I'm sorry that you think I'm ethically lacking, deceptive and dishonest, although you don't actually know me to make such a judgement do you? If you did, you would change your opinion I'm sure.

                I've had various people tell me on here how friendly you all are and that the forum is all about fun & enjoyment etc etc but actually all you've tried to do since I innocently joined is to try to discredit me with what is tantamount to a character assasination.
                Perhaps you just don't like outsiders...?

                As for your pal the chap who contacted you re my prop, certainly we had communication and I won't embarrass him (or you) by quoting the rest of the communication we had nor to other information I subsequently learnt about him.
                I would however reiterate the fact that my ebay listing states that, quote, ''mahogany four-bladed propeller thought to be from either an airship or zeppelin or possibly an auxilliary propeller from a bomber type aircraft''. Surely I can't say fairer than that, particularly as, I say again, I took advice from other quarters as well as your own selves re this prop and thus described the prop according to the advice and info I received at that time. Please don't make me spell this out again.

                I've obviously fallen foul of you chaps which is disappointing for me but I would respectfully ask that you try to be more tolerant of others who join, particularly those who may be less knowledgable than your goodselves.
                (Still) best wishes to all, Dom
                Res ipsa loquitur.

                Beyond that, I'm not particularly judgmental.


                • #23
                  A glimmer of light in the black of night...?

                  Hi Dennis, Thanks for your message.

                  Yes, you're right, a four-bladed prop is more visually appealing to me which is what attracted me to the prop in the first instance and thus one of the reasons I acquired it.
                  I buy things and sell them Dennis, my motivation isn't financial, simply a hobby which I enjoy, probably in the same way that you or anyone else enjoy your hobbies.

                  It's just a vintage prop I'm selling, not the prop from McCudden's DH2 so I'm bewildered why some folk are getting all anal about it.

                  Cheers, Dom


                  • #24
                    Just an observation

                    Hi Dom.

                    So we come to the end of a long and winding thread of posts from various sources. Upon looking at all of the posts, let me offer this simple observation to you. Its hard to unscramble an egg!

                    That being said, its really not a case of any of the members of this forum being overly " anal " about the realm of wooden " airscrews ", that being said, as you have found out quite early, various gentlemen on this site that have a wealth of information at thier disposal and are most generous with it when it comes to helping those that wish to learn more about thier recent finds or purchases.

                    With out opening up pandoras box so to speak, you will find that on this forum, when it comes to old wooden props, especially anything related to WW1 and to all things that might be related to german products, honesty is always the best policy.

                    Granted, one can purchase what ever one likes and then also offer it up for sale to the masses and claim it to be what ever one wishes it to be, all a case of semantics no doubt.

                    I think you will find that on this site, all of us as a group are pretty interesting people and generally very friendly as well. But you will also find that when you are presented with the factual information, and then as a result, there is a "drift" from the identification provided, well suffice it to say, as you have seen, various new post's that are influenced by that " drift " will appear quickly.

                    To me that is one of the more fascinating elements of this great online community, we as a group tend to watch out for flaws and slight misrepresentations when it comes to this passionate " hobby " of vintage wooden " airscrews ".

                    I think that about sums it up.

                    Good luck on the potential sale of your AUX prop.

                    Dennis Hicklin
                    Seattle Washington
                    Attached Files


                    • #25
                      Aux prop or otherwise

                      Dennis, thanks for your interesting message.
                      I would agree with certain elements of what you say.
                      Despite all the accusations against me, I've made no false claims, haven't been dishonest, inethical nor deceptive.
                      My only crime, for want of a better word, is that I didn't robotically stick rigidly to the opinions I was given here about my prop.
                      If someone were to ask me to describe my experience thus far of this forum I could I think be excused for using words such as, unfriendly, insulting, dictatorial, dogmatic, insular, intolerant, elitist and cliquey. But I won't because that would further alienate myself from the other folk on here, (if that were possible!).
                      Anyway, I'm hoping my airscrew will go to someone who will enjoy it for what it is, an attractive and interesting vintage propellor, auxilliary or not.
                      I wonder if when I buy another propellor, I should ask you folks about it?
                      Best wishes,


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by dom View Post
                        If someone were to ask me to describe my experience thus far of this forum I could I think be excused for using words such as, unfriendly, insulting, dictatorial, dogmatic, insular, intolerant, elitist and cliquey. But I won't because that would further alienate myself from the other folk on here, (if that were possible!).


                        I wonder if when I buy another propellor, I should ask you folks about it?
                        Best wishes,
                        Please read through every one of the thousands of posts here and find out if your experience is different from all of the rest. I can think of one other similar set of responses, which occurred when someone tried to sell a propeller that didn't even belong to him, and in fact belonged to one of the other members here.

                        It does bug me a bit when you visit here, get free (and accurate) information in response to your question then find it appropriate to characterize the entire forum with those words simply because you thought what you heard elsewhere would look more appealing in the sale of your item.

                        This forum is a hobby, paid for entirely by the hobbyists, so even you can probably understand why your actions and responses got the attention it did.

                        Enough said. This whole thread is one or two posts away from being locked.


                        • #27
                          If at first you don't succeed...

                          Hello all, thanks to Mr Bahnson for your message but with respect, you're completely missing the point I think.

                          Anyway, in an attempt to lighten the atmosphere I found this graph in an 1899 copy of the Model Engineer and Electrician which, although refers to marine as well as aero propellors may be of interest to someone.
                          There's a related article with it if anyone's interested.

                          That's if I can add the photo....
                          Attached Files


                          • #28

                            Landing, drowning, ducking?

                            These chart is just an abacus of the formula: Pitch = tg(Angle of the blade) x Circumference,
                            more useful and convenient using the radius data:
                            Pitch = tg(Angle of the blade) x 2 x pi x Distance to prop center measured along blade axis.

                            This chart is from 1910, not 1899, but was known well before, as basic geometry.

                            The whole collection of this periodic seems to be at Hathi-Trust ( and a Google Book.

                            Last edited by pmdec; 06-06-2013, 07:42 AM. Reason: Date correction

