Attached are some photos of a prop that I purchased about ten years ago at a flea market. Unfortunately, it already came with a clock inserted on one side and it is fairly scratched up. Still, I think it is really beautiful and would like to clean it up a bit and mount it. I'd love to find out what plane it was from first. I've tried to ID it based on the suggestions available on this site and others and haven't had much luck. The props that I have seen posted that most resemble it are from Sensenich. Anyway, here are the measurements:
8 Bolts
Approx 90 inches long
Marking in the middle: DWGNO1
Serial No. 25859 (Note this appears on top of the hub and on one side of it - the side without the clock)
There is also a small letter K in the middle, seemingly in a random spot. I have seen somewhere on the site that this may indicate military but am not sure.
I would love any input and can take better pictures of a particular angle, if requested.
8 Bolts
Approx 90 inches long
Marking in the middle: DWGNO1
Serial No. 25859 (Note this appears on top of the hub and on one side of it - the side without the clock)
There is also a small letter K in the middle, seemingly in a random spot. I have seen somewhere on the site that this may indicate military but am not sure.
I would love any input and can take better pictures of a particular angle, if requested.