Hello, I have three old wooden propellers and need help to identify. I believe they are OX5, but have not measured yet.
1. Alamo decal on both blades. Stamped into wood at hub is:
Blade 1
A 7 . A (note the 7 could be an X)
8' X 5'3"
SC 14528 (note this is followed by a funny symbol that looks like a 4 leaf clover. Inside top left is U - Inside top right is S - Inside center is B - Inside lower left is 8 - Inside lower right is A)
Blade 2
1450 RPM
Propeller #2 is unidentified - It does have a SC stamped into the wood at the hub with the numbers 549.... (the rest are sanded out.)
Propeller #3 is unidentified - Stamped on the hub is the following:
SC 5169
Note this also has the 4 leaf clover stamp, but the numbers and letters inside are not legible.
Any help identifying these three propellers would be greatly appreciated.

1. Alamo decal on both blades. Stamped into wood at hub is:
Blade 1
A 7 . A (note the 7 could be an X)
8' X 5'3"
SC 14528 (note this is followed by a funny symbol that looks like a 4 leaf clover. Inside top left is U - Inside top right is S - Inside center is B - Inside lower left is 8 - Inside lower right is A)
Blade 2
1450 RPM
Propeller #2 is unidentified - It does have a SC stamped into the wood at the hub with the numbers 549.... (the rest are sanded out.)
Propeller #3 is unidentified - Stamped on the hub is the following:
SC 5169
Note this also has the 4 leaf clover stamp, but the numbers and letters inside are not legible.
Any help identifying these three propellers would be greatly appreciated.