Hi , I've got his prop tip made into a picture frame it has been carved "AEF 1918 FRANCE" .The original makers decal remains .Is this a manufacturer you have identified ?? Thanks
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HN Prop Dated 1918
Hi CBIguy,
This decal is from a French Ratmanoff propeller. It read Hélice Normale.
Prop had to be reshaped, as the decal was on the middle of the blade.
I will be happy having a large picture of this not so common decal : if you can make a good picture of it, you can send it to pmdecombeix arobase yahoo dot com.
Bonjour Pierre-Michel,
Je n'ai pas vu celui-ci avant. Envoyez-moi une copie de la photographie, svp.
Send me a copy of the photo, please, when you get it.
Welcome to the forum and many thanks for this rare treat. AEF refers to the American Expeditionary Force, the generic title for the American Forces who arrived in France late, in 1917.
With kind regards,
HN Prop Tip
Hi Bob, I collected a bunch of WW1 and WW2 Prop tips .Most all made into Theater Art,some very Cool ones........I'll post Some pics it may be of some interest ? Right now I'm in process of selling some of them......so it goes with collecting always buying always selling.Best Regards PJC
Hello PJC,
I'd love to see your photographs and most of our fellow forumites will as well.
If you can, send me the photos as well at hi-res to aeroclocks at btinternet dot com (written like this to escape the spam bots). I'd like to include some in a book I plan to write on artefacts made from props, although it is about two or three years away. I have to finish my present series on British WW1 props, then German WW1 props. Tell me your name so that I can credit any that I use to you.
With kind regards,
HN Prop Tip
Hey Bob Thats cool, I picked up some corkers ,a few I think will interest you ,I'll send you some pics off line if you like that way if you use them the images will be fresh.You know what I mean , undiscovered........let me know where to send them?? Thanks PJC
There is a Ratmanoff prop with the same decal as yours at French Musée de l'Air et de l'Espace in Le Bourget near Paris :
Under HN, there is "MARQUE DEPOSEE" (registred trademark) and SURESNES (a town near Paris) which is the address of Ratmanoff factory.
As too many others, the prop as been "cleaned" except for the decalIt is fitted to a Voisin LAS, but I think it is perhaps for a Zodiac airship.
As you can see, the decal is in the middle of the blade.
HN Prop
Yeah Its sad when some one whizzes away 100 plus years of well earned patination and gives it the Character , gleam and look of the floor in the local High School Gym or Bowling Alley! Here is a beter pic of the Decal. Regards !! PJCAttached Files