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ebora prop

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  • ebora prop

    After owning this prop for the last 15 years I have finally managed to get the name and numbers from the hub , It was manufactured by Ebora in kingston on thames London ,its a type 294 number 359 it has 8 notches inside hub ,length 94" , 4 1/4 "bore ,mahogany, inside had been converted to hold clock ,can anybody identify which aircraft it came from . will try and photograph it .thanks

  • #2
    I might have a reference available at home in a few days. In the meantime a picture would help.


    • #3
      Dear Mr Lennox,

      Welcome to the forum.

      I have done some research in Ebora propellers and have photographed the 198 drawings held by the son of Jan Schiere, a Dutchman, who founded Ebora propellers in Kingston c1912. He became one of the major makers of propellers for Britain during WW1 and almost certainly became a millionaire. But the post-war circumstances and government ineptitude bankrupted him and he returned penniless to the Netherlands.

      The known drawing numbers stop at 198 and your drawing number of 294 (Ebora called them types) suggests that there are about a further 100 to be found. Therefore, photographs of the data on the hub and an accurate measurement of the length of the prop in mm might help to identify it. Ebora was a major contractor to the Royal Aircraft Factory (RAF) and may of his types were in fact RAF designed. Hence the length of the prop and the data on it might help identify for which aircraft it was intended.

      With kind regards,

      Bob Gardner
      Author; WW1 British Propellers, WWI German Propellers


      • #4
        Oh Sorry!

        Just re-read your post and I see that the length is 94 inches. This is used on several Ebora props where it is descibed on the hub as either 7ft 10ins or 2390mm. A prop of this diameter was used with the 150 hp Hispano Suiza engine on the SE5.

        But of more relevance, it was also used on early Ebora props for the 50hp Gnome which had the drawing number 29. A modified version was the 29A and I believe this is the type number on your prop.

        The prop would have been used on several early aircraft such as the Bleriot XI and others dating from 1912-1913.

        Bob Gardner
        Author; WW1 British Propellers, WWI German Propellers


        • #5
          Say, Bob, as long as the title of this thread is "Ebora prop" and at the risk of hijacking it just a tad, do you have reference to this Ebora propeller, labeled as "Type 24"?



          • #6
            'Morning Dave,

            There are two listings for your prop, one for diameter of 2290mm and the other for 7ft 6ins. The RAF Museum has a type 25 mounted on their Bleriot XI. I'll e-mail you a photograph of the original drawing, held by the family. It has deteriorated over the years and is barely readable. Also the ink has migrated in the oiled paper.

            Similarly Mr Lennox, if you send me your e-mail address.

            With kind regards,

            Last edited by Bob Gardner; 08-21-2010, 06:14 AM.
            Bob Gardner
            Author; WW1 British Propellers, WWI German Propellers


            • #7
              ive only just seen this after i messaged apologies could you tell me what a Type 53 No 366 is from please
              Thank you so much


              • #8
                Ebora prop

