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help with ID of three props

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  • help with ID of three props

    first time message marine corps 70-74 rifleman sgt retired boston P D det sgthobbies two daughters freshman univerity of vermont and senior university of mass got props from uncle last week retired colonial pilot USMC prop#1matthews bros man co #1077 9ft6in by 5ft 7 in R 6 circle with K in middle US with navy anchor prop #2 matthews bros man co #1372 9ft by 6in by5ft7in R 6 circle withK in middle USN squished together prop #3 SERIE 2228 no 32623 8 holes with original plate attached to hub with 18 holes .I am not a collector and do not know what I have or what do with them. I would appreciate any help. tim mcdaniel

  • #2
    Matthews Brothers made a large number of props for the Navy in the late teens and early twenties, and many of them became obsolete almost as soon as they were manufactured, so they ended up as surplus.

    I'm not at home where I have all my database stuff, but lots of them never get identified. A picture might help, if you can post one.

    Incidentally, the manager at Matthews Bros. was Tom Hamilton, who then broke off and formed Hamilton Propellers, which quickly merged with Standard Steel and became Hamilton Standard.

