I have this propeller, the picture is attached. It belonged to my granddad who was a Lt. Col in National Guard a flew on B17 during WWII. The only ID stamped on the propeller is G840 which I belive is a O Ring Identification. We are interested in selling to help pay off bills but do not want to be taken advantage of due to the lack of Knowledge. I am asking if anyone has information to the ID or value of this propeller.
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Antique Wooden Propeller ID
It looks like a UAV, or drone, prop. I'm not sure of an exact value but the ones I've seen sell on eBay have been in the $100 to $200 range.
Sometimes if it has a history of ownership in the family it's better to keep it to hand down to some kid in the future generation. They're just not worth all that much on the market, especially in the current economy.Dave
I would be interested in this as I have one drone prop that someone cut the center out for a clock. I would like a better one. Thanks,,Rick