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Antique Wooden Prop

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  • Antique Wooden Prop

    I have an antique wooden prop that looks like a Lang Propeller (heavy oak, 8 foot propeller) that I inherited from my father many years ago. I would like to sell the prop (currently mounted on the wall inside my house). It is in excellent condition. Could someone tell me the value of the prop. I have attempted to attach a picture of the prop.

    Thank you.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Those don't look like typical Lang decals, at least from a distance. It also looks as if the prop may have been refinished at some point. Are there numbers stamped on it?

    All of those are things that could affect value, so it's very difficult to estimate without knowing.


    • #3
      I was just informed it is a Jamestown prop. It iscopper tipped with lead balancers. My husband did refinish the prop. The decals are still in place on each blade as follows:
      Pair of Wings
      Jamestown, NY

      Looking forward to hearing from you.

      Thank you.


      • #4
        It was probably made for one of the Curtiss flying boats, possibly at Hammondsport and possibly for the Navy. By lead "balancers", do you mean the lead seen on the metal sheathing? That's actually just solder covering the screw heads.

        I don't know what it's "value" is, but I suspect on eBay it would sell for something in the $800 to $900 range, but it's not very predictable. The refinishing definitely detracts from its value to a collector.


        • #5
          Falcon Antique Propeller

          It is quite possible that the lead covers the screws. This prop has been in our family for over 50 years and it was old when we received it. We have previously been offered by a collector $1,800.00 ten years ago but I was not ready to sell at that time. Therefore, I would assume the prop should be worth well over $2,000.00 at this time.

          I appreciate your response and look forward to additional responses from the Wooden Propeller Forum.

