This is my first post on this excessively complex web site -- I hope I get it right.
I have a Sensenich wooden propeller I would like to get rid of -- not throw it in the trash. The only thing I know about it is that my Dad said it came from a Navy training plane he flew about 1940. Two blades, about 6' long, metal edging on the tips, Sensenich Bros decal on the blades. I don't see a serial number, but I don't know where to look.
I have a Sensenich wooden propeller I would like to get rid of -- not throw it in the trash. The only thing I know about it is that my Dad said it came from a Navy training plane he flew about 1940. Two blades, about 6' long, metal edging on the tips, Sensenich Bros decal on the blades. I don't see a serial number, but I don't know where to look.