Aeromarine  Plane and Motor Co.

Keyport, NJ




Ahlstrom Piano Co.

Jamestown, NY





B.L. Marble Chair Co.

Bedford, Ohio




Breitung & Co.

11 Pine St.

New York




Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co.

623-633 S. Wabash





Burgess Co.

Marblehead, Mass




Caflish,  Alling & Maurer

Jamestown, N.Y.




Central Manufacturing

Comersvilled, Ind.




Champaign Bros.

Ithaca, NY




Columbia Aircraft Corp.

44 Whitehall St.

New York




Gallaudet Aircraft Corp.

East Greenwich, R.I.





Geo Mertz’ Sons

Port Chester

New York




Hallet & Davis Piano Co.

146 Boylston ST





Hardman and Peck & Co.

Factory 542 W 52nd St.

New York




Harriman Motors Co.

South Glastonbury, CT



Hasselgren Studios

1200 N. State St.





Heath Aeroplane Co.

2846-56 Broadway




Howard Brown Pianos

Baltimore, Md.




Jesse French & Sons Piano Co.

New Castle, Ind.




John E. Sjostrom Co. Inc.

235 Woodward Bldg.

Washington, DC




Lonij Carson Co.

1240-1248 Fullerton Ave.






Lord & Burnham Co.

Irvington, NY




Ludwig & Co. (Pianos)

Willow Ave 135th

New York




LWF Engineering Co.

College Point

Long Island, N.Y.




Lyon & Healy

Wabash Ave @ Jackson Blvd





Matthews Bros.





Pacific Manufacturing Co.

177 Stevengen St.

San Francisco




Patterson Piano Case Co.

12th Ave and E. 31st St.

Patterson, N.J.





Red Lion Furniture Co.

Red Lion, Pa.




Starr Piano Co.

S. 1st and ABCand D St

Richmond, Indiana




Tyler Chapman Co.

81 Bristol St.





U.S. Aero Propeller Co

Becher and Greenhouse Sts.

Milwaukee, Wisc.





U.S. Aero Propeller Co.

Pine and 3rd

Elizabethport, N.J.