Hartzell Liberty - (Liberty Engine)



Comments: This is one of the earliest Hartzell propellers made, when the Hartzell Walnut Company in Piqua, Ohio, began making walnut propellers for the U.S. Navy and the Signal Corps around 1917.   The Liberty logo* pictured was used only for a very short time before a trademark dispute forced Hartzell to change to a similar appearing shape, but with "Hartzell" in place of Liberty in the center.  There are USN anchor symbols stamped on the hub, and the hub size is that of a Liberty engine.  The specific usage of aircraft type for this propeller is unknown.

Wood:  Walnut
Length: 9' 6"

*According to a conversation I had with Jimmie Reedy, senior executive at Hartzell,  in the early 1990's this Hartzell Liberty logo is extremely rare.  It was used on their earliest propellers but had to be abandoned due to a trademark dispute with the manufacturers of the new Liberty engine, and subsequent decals replaced "Liberty" with an image of a Liberty Bell instead.  According to Mr. Reedy, there were only 4 propeller models manufactured with this logo, one of which was made for the Wright brothers, although which propeller that was is also unknown.